IJOLEH : International Journal of Education and Humanities 2024-05-28T20:59:22+07:00 Sujarwo, S. Pd., M. Pd Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>IJOLEH</strong>: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND HUMANITIES <strong> </strong>is a scientific journal published biannually in May and November. IJOLEH seeks to develop knowledge and practice in the three domains of its title (Language, Education, and Humanities) and the relations between them. It welcomes research articles, literature reviews, and position papers dealing with any languages (mother tongues, global English, indigenous, minority, heritage, and endangered languages), as well as any educational disciplines, and Humanities. IJOLEH encourages submissions from a variety of disciplinary approaches. It also opens for studies into cultural content, literacy, intercultural and transnational investigations.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">To be considered for publication, a manuscript should be written in English and follows the template provided. Submission must be an original and sole work of the author(s). An initial check of plagiarism is encouraged before submitting a manuscript. Authors should first register themselves into the journal system and create submission to initiate the process. We also invite researchers and experts to be reviewers of IJOLEH. If you are interested to be reviewer, please notify the editor through email. All communications or queries about the journal should be addressed through email:</p> Phonological Variations of Ternate Malay Language 2024-05-03T10:25:23+07:00 Ety Duwila <p>The people of North Maluku Province speak Ternate Malay, or North Maluku Malay language, as a medium for interethnic communication. This language is a dialect which is an archipelagic variant of the Malay language. Ternate Malay language underwent several phonological, grammatical, and lexical changes as it developed. The purpose of this Phonological Variations of Ternate Malay language study is to characterize the differences in phonological features between Ternate Malay and Standard Malay language (Indonesian). Both synchronic and diachronic research are conducted. The research findings synchronously demonstrate that MSt and MT have distinct linguistic properties. There is no long vowel in MSt, yet there is no [ʙ] sound in MT. Other than that, there are vowel variations and sounds that match both vowels and consonants. Diachronic studies reveal that substitution is a type of cooperative innovation. Assimilation, syncope, apocope, metathesis, prosthesis, lowering of high vowels, and monophthongization are examples of irregular innovations in MSt and MT. Given that MSt continues to use archaic forms, it may be concluded that whereas MT is an innovative dialect, MSt is a conservative dialect based on the retention and innovation forms shown above.</p> 2024-05-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ety Duwila Language Vitality Indicator Towards The Use Of Ternate Language On Ternate Language Enclave In Sahu District, West Halmahera Regency 2024-05-03T10:24:20+07:00 Nurain Jalaludin Rahma Do Subuh Ismail Maulud Bakhtiar Haerullah <p>Language vitality is a tool used to assess how well speakers of a language in expressing their language. One of the languages of North Maluku is Ternate, which is spoken not only on Ternate Island but also in the West Halmahera area. The Sahu district's coastal areas are home to the majority of Ternate language speakers. The purpose of this study is to measure factors that affect the use of Ternate language and language vitality of Ternate language enclave in Sahu district, West Halmahera Regency. The method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques in the form of observation and structured interviews with instruments in the form of questionnaires. A summary of the state of Ternate language in the Sahu district is then obtained by applying the language vitality theory to the data analysis. The results indicate that adults (≥30 years) in Sahu district’s villages of Lako, Jarakore, Ropu, and Susupu are still actively using ternate. These 4 villages are located in the coastal area. As a conclusion, given that BT is spoken by less than 100,000 people, it can be said that it is primarily concentrated in coastal areas that are under threat in Sahu district. But since people under 40 continue to speak it, in which on the other hand, reasonably stable.</p> 2024-05-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurain Jalaludin, Rahma Do Subuh, Ismail Maulud, Bakhtiar Haerullah Effectiveness of the Sequenced Type of Integrative Learning Model in Teaching Writing of West Wawonii Elementary School Students 2024-05-03T10:22:09+07:00 Asdar Muhammad Asdam Nursamsilis Lutfin Elsayani Grestiani Limbong Tuan Nordin bin Tuan Kechik <p>The objectives of this research are to find out the results of students' writing learning before and after participating in learning using the sequenced type integrative learning model. To find out students' activities in participating in learning using the sequenced type integrative learning model. And to determine students' responses to learning to write using a sequenced type integrative learning model. This research is categorized as quantitative descriptive research. In this study, the One Group Pretest-Posttest design was used, namely an experiment carried out with one group that was given a pretest before being given treatment. The findings show that the average fifth grade students gave a positive response to the implementation of the sequenced integrative learning model, where the average percentage of student responses was 89.5%. Thus, the response of students taught using this model can be said to be effective. Learning to write using a sequenced type integrative model can result in changes in students' activities and views towards learning to write as shown by the percentage of positive student responses of 78%. And after implementing the sequenced type integrative learning model have met the indicators of completeness of classical student learning outcomes, namely ≥ 75%. Moreover, it can be concluded that the teacher's ability to manage learning using the sequenced integrative learning model is said to be effective at SDN Wawonii Barat.</p> 2024-05-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Asdar, Nursamsilis Lutfin, Nursamsilis Lutfin, Elsayani Grestiani Limbong, Tuan Nordin bin Tuan Kechik Code-Mixing As a Communicative Strategy Among International Passengers and Employees in Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar 2024-05-03T10:26:47+07:00 Andi Kurniadi Baskal Sujarwo Muhammad Yahrif <h1>The use of English in service operations is very necessary in communicating with service users who not only come from Indonesia but also from abroad. Therefore, the use of English is very important in-service operations at the airport. This research aims to analyze code mixing as a communication strategy among passengers and employees at Hasanuddin International Airport. The design of this research was qualitative research.</h1> <h1>It is called collaborative qualitative because the research directly involves employees and international passengers as respondents. The research results show that there are three types of code mixing, namely alternation, congruence, and lexicalization. Respondents participated in interviews, which yielded information about the variables that influence the use of code mixing in textual communication regarding code mixing as a communication strategy between employees and international passengers.</h1> <h1>There are seven factors that cause code mixing, namely (1) lack of mastery, especially mastery of English, (2) intention to increase prestige, (3) wanting to show off one's skills, (4) searching for identity, (5) habits, (6) want to joke (make jokes) and (7) relaxed conversation situation (formality).</h1> <h1>It can be concluded that this research identifies three forms of code mixing, namely substitution, congruence and lexicalization and this is influenced by several factors in the occurrence of code mixing among employees and international passengers</h1> 2024-05-19T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andi Kurniadi Baskal, Sujarwo, Muhammad Yahrif General Election Commission (KPU) of Makassar Efforts to Encourage Community Participation in the 2018 Regional Elections 2024-05-12T19:35:05+07:00 Hasruddin Nur Adi Sumandiyar Arfenti Amir Abdul Malik Iskandar Jalal Hasanudin Kasim <p>This research aims to examine and describe the efforts of the Makassar City KPU in encouraging community participation in the implementation of the 2018 regional elections. This type of research uses qualitative descriptive research by determining the number of informants consisting of 9 informants selected using purposive sampling technique. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used by researchers goes through three work stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results show that the KPU's efforts to encourage public participation in the 2018 regional elections include: a) carrying out regional elections professionally without black campaigns and the practice of money politics by ensuring that every citizen has the same rights and opportunities to participate in the regional election process, b) increasing voter participation by providing healthy political education by increasing public knowledge so that they can participate optimally in the regional election process, c) Transparency in the implementation of regional elections by providing information that is easily accessible, involving the public in decision making, using information technology, enforcing clear rules and sanctions, and involving independent supervision from supervisory institutions and civil society.</p> 2024-05-19T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hasruddin Nur, Adi Sumandiyar, Arfenti Amir, Abdul Malik Iskandar, Jalal, Hasanudin Kasim Multiple Meanings of Address Terms in Bicoli Language, South Maba, East Halmahera 2024-05-03T10:23:52+07:00 Kalasun Ismail Nurprihatina Hasan Farida Maricar Sulmi Magfirah <p>Multiple Meanings of Address Terms in Bicoli Language, South Maba, East Halmahera. This research aims to determine the use of the term of address which has multiple meanings, especially in Bicoli village. Two research problems are postulated, namely the kinds of terms of address used in the Bicoli language, and the context of the terms of address used by speakers in communication. The study uses semantic theory approach to make it easier for the researcher to observe terms of address that have multiple meanings in the context of everyday conversation. The method in this study is a qualitative descriptive method which not only uses primary data in research, but also uses secondary data as a form of supporting data to strengthen the results of this study. Based on the results of the research conducted, it is found that the terms of address that have multiple meanings, such as; aye, legaya, nyangan, aremag, tamay, balo, doliu, del, monmenoy, melofo. The contexts that make the multiple meanings of the term of address are the individual context, the object context, and the mood context. Instances of the different meanings are found and identified based on these three contexts.&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kalasun Ismail, Nurprihatina Hasan, Farida Maricar, Sulmi Magfirah Student’s Perceptions of Youglish as Instructional Technology and Media for Learning English Pronunciation 2024-05-17T19:35:52+07:00 Sukmawati Vivit Romayanti Andi Tenri Abeng Muliaty Ibrahim Hasanuddin Andi Rasmiyati <p>Fluency in pronunciation is a crucial aspect of effective verbal communication. Inaccurate pronunciation can result in a misinterpretation of the word's intended meaning. Consequently, it is imperative to have media resources that assist pupils in comprehending pronunciation better. There are numerous media platforms available, one of them being YouGlish. The research aims to investigate students' perception on the the use of Youglish as instructional technology and media for learning English pronunciation. YouGlish is a website that utilizes YouTube videos to enhance English pronunciation. The researchers employed the descriptive qualitative method in this study. This study was carried out for second semester English students. The instruments utilized in this investigation consisted of a questionnaire and an interview. The data indicates that students hold favorable views regarding the utilization of YouGlish. The research findings demonstrated the students' viewpoint regarding the use of YouGlish for enhancing English Pronunciation learning. The survey findings also indicated predominantly favorable and unfavorable feedback. The utilization of both of these instruments is the method to ascertain the students' perspectives on the integration of YouGlish in pronunciation acquisition. Ultimately, YouGlish has the ability to pique students' interest in studying Pronunciation and foster a desire to learn. In conclusion that YouGlish has the ability to generate students' interest in studying by virtue of its online platform, which may actively engage them with a fervent enthusiasm for learning the subject matter.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sukmawati, Vivit Romayanti, Andi Tenri Abeng, Muliaty Ibrahim, Hasanuddin, Andi Rasmiyati Integrating Reading Lesson Into Speaking Practice Through Jigsaw Technique (A classroom research in Bina Sarana Informatika University) 2024-05-28T20:59:22+07:00 Mentari Pratami Erniyanti Nur Fatahhela Dewi <p>To have an effective learning and teaching English, it should cover four language skills such as listening, speaking reading, and writing. It is shown&nbsp; in practice, that the process of teaching involved some language skills i.e when teaching listening will involve speaking and reading. And when teaching speaking will include listening and reading, the same case when teaching reading will contain speaking and listening.&nbsp; Though the main purpose of teaching reading is to develop knowledge and get information, but speaking practice could be placed in. &nbsp;Through jigsaw reading technique, it is a good idea then to integrate the reading activities into speaking practice. Therefore, this technique is applied to students of Bina Sarana Informatika University. The purpose of this research is to know if teaching reading will also result speaking skill. The research was carried out from October 2023 to January 2024. This an action research that applied six (6) stages in presenting jigsaw reading. They include; 1). Preparation, 2). Expert group, 3). Presentation group, 4). Debriefing, 5). Group processing, and 6). Individual accountability. The action research employs twenty (20) students of semester 3 Bina Sarana Informatika University. The result shows that most students gained good speaking skill. This conclusion is made based on the presentation speaking test result which the grade of “the accuracy &amp; fluency” aspect was range from good to excellent score. The number of this scores reached to 18 (90%) out of 20 students. The result showed that students who got fair score is only 2 (10%). After learning and discussing the content of the paragraph most students can answer the questions orally. The students who got good score on “Content Mastery “ is 12 students (60%), and the aspect of “answering questions” is 18 students (90%) got good scores. Since the main subject is reading, therefore the researcher also evaluated the result of the reading comprehension test. Based on the test result most students can do the test well. This is shown with the average score is 87. Therefore, it is concluded that integrating reading lesson into speaking practice through jigsaw technique is effective and applicable for students of university. The process also created togetherness among the students.&nbsp; Jigsaw technique also stimulated students to read intensively. By doing such activity that students speaking ability is improved</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mentari Pratami, Erniyanti Nur Fatahhela Dewi